I have a big selection of Christmas ornaments in different sizes.....
Long Christmas tree 16x6 cm 4 € Chritmas Fir tree 12x11cm 4 €

Mix set of 3 ornaments of your choice between :
ball , drop, star or heart 10€
Christmas balls 7x7.30 cm 10€ for 3
small Angel -3 13x7cm 4.50 €

small Angel-4 10x11cm 4.50 €
small Angel-5 11x8cm 4.50 €
big Angel -4 14x15cm 6 €

Long Christmas tree 16x6 cm 4 € Chritmas Fir tree 12x11cm 4 €

Mix set of 3 ornaments of your choice between :
ball , drop, star or heart 10€
Christmas balls 7x7.30 cm 10€ for 3
Drop 14x 5 cm 10€ for 3
Star 10cm 10€ for 3
Hearts 9 x8cm 10€ for 3
Gift box 11 x 9cm 4€
Cane 15x 7 cm 4€
Nativity 12x 10cm 4.50 €
Many Angels to look over you, throughout the year.
Hang them on the trees or anywhere you want.
Angel A. 11x10 cm 4.50 €
Angel B cm 4.50 €
small Angel-2 11x9 cm 4.50 €
small Angel -3 13x7cm 4.50 €

small Angel-4 10x11cm 4.50 €
small Angel-5 11x8cm 4.50 €
big Angel -4 14x15cm 6 €
big Angel-5 15x12cm 6 €
Long angel 19x 9cm 8 €
Birds 10x 7cm 10€ for 3
House 12 x7cm 4€ with or without the year on it
Angel wings 12 x 9cm 4€

Owl A. 13x8cm 4.50€
Owl B. 13x7 cm 4.50€
Owl C. 11x 8 cm 4.50€
Owl D. 14x10cm 4.50 €
Milagros Heart 16x9 cm 5 €
Pomegranate for good fortune
11x 9cm 4.50€
and as a Charm 12x 10cm 8€